Thursday, October 8, 2009

I am embarrassed that I haven't posted a blog post since JUNE! We have definitely been busy with playdates, the garden, vacation, etc. Let me recap the past few months...Alex turned 4 in July, we had a little family only party at home the day before her birthday. We drove up to Seattle to visit Blake and Britney for the weekend and Britney made ice cream and put a candle in it for Alex-which she thought was the best! It was a fun weekend! We got our puppy Bailey in August and she has been a fun addition to our family. She is 16 weeks old now and is learning to sit and lay down. Alex started a dance class in September and LOVES it. She does 20 minutes of tumbling, 20 minutes of ballet and 20 minutes of tap once a week. Logan hasn't done much besides eat and get into mischief. He drove his little car down some stairs and bruised up his lip, nose and forehead. He still loves to snuggle and now comes up to Ty and I and says "I wuv you." Our garden went nuts and I have a nice stock of frozen tomato sauce, vegetables and fruit. Our tomato plants are still getting flowers on them, go figure. We had lots of fun making dinners out of our peppers, eggplants, broccoli, snow peas and tomatoes. We planted some honeydew melons which Alex and Ty loved. We are about to pick our watermelons, hopefully they are ripe now. We tried one a few weeks ago and it wasn't ready :( Our baby pumpkins did very well and so did our blueberry bushes. Ty's plant got up and running this summer and they are producing foam insulation now. I've been hosting a scrapbook night with my playgroup once a month and I really enjoy it. We also started a book club so I'm back reading consistently again. Overall life is hectic but lots of fun and we love where we live. The weather has been awesome here lately and I find myself wanting to spend all afternoon in the back yard enjoying it. I love fall and the smells that come with it.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Nice update! It's good to hear about your family again. It sounds like a great, family oriented summer, and yummy too! Congrats on your new addition! :)