Friday, February 22, 2008

Huntin' Buddy

We have our computer set up downstairs, and when Erin checks her email during the day she'll turn little Logan loose. Logan is just starting to crawl, and has gotten into trouble for the first time(s) over the past week or two. He'll go after anything that looks fun, and loves to pull the DVDs out of the cabinet that they are in. The other day, Erin looked down and saw him with this hunting DVD. It was so cute that she took a picture. It looks like I may have a little huntin' buddy in the works!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Our New Kitchen

We are starting to settle into our Rockford house, and are quickly realizing how spoiled we are by this place.  We were spoiled by our backyard in Layton, by our weather and view in Albuquerque, and by our whole house here!  
The part of the house that we've had the most fun with so far is the kitchen.  I've always wanted a kitchen like this - it makes it so fun to do the cooking and creating that I love.  Erin loves to bake, and this is a really fun baking kitchen as well.
We'll post pictures of the rest of our house as we get things set up the way that we want them.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Recent Happenings at the Rule Household

There have been many happenings since our last post.  We have been busy getting our house together and keeping warm as well.  Here are a few updates on what we have been up to.  Since our last post, Logan has started to try and crawl.  He is kind of stuck on getting onto his knees and rocking.

Since we have wood floors, a lot of times he ends up going backward instead of forward when he pushes himself up.  Although if he gets his legs pushed up against a wall, he does a push up.
Alex learned how to use the potty over the weekend.  Ty told her that we would have a "potty party" for her if she went in the potty all day long.  She has been very good and learned quick and has only had a couple of accidents after the first day.  She was so excited to have her party.  She got to pick out plates, cups, cupcakes and juice.  Of course she wanted Princess plates and cups and sparkling apple juice.  We got her a Princess towel as a gift and she loves it.

Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday we had horrible weather.  It snowed a lot and we had really high winds.  Our street didn't get plowed until sometime during the night.  A lot of businesses were closed or closed early yesterday and the kids and I stayed home all day long.  Now some of you may be thinking "What happens when all that snow gets blown around?"  Here's what happens: the snow gets blown from your yard (which you aren't using) to your driveway (which you are using)!  Then  you get the fun job of shoveling it back onto the yard.

This storm also gave us confirmation that we had a house guest that we didn't invite.  I've seen rabbit tracks all over the snow and saw this hole under our porch and thought maybe that's where it was hanging out.  Sure enough, I saw this when shoveling the walkway this afternoon.