Before we moved here, Ty and I celebrated our 10th anniversary with a short trip to Vancouver, BC. We walked in some of the downtown neighborhoods and relaxed, but the funnest thing we did was drive up to Whistler and go ziplining. It was so much fun! At first I was a little freaked out, but it was so pretty and such an amazing experience. You have a birds eye view of the mountains and the river beneath you.
When we got home, we celebrated Alex's 6th birthday. She picked out a cake and ice cream and we had a fun little party and barbecue with my parents. When it got a little bit dark we all went outside and set off fireworks.
In September we took a trip to Henry's Lake. While Ty and his dad were fishing on the lake, the kids and I drove to Yellowstone and had some fun. We walked through the mud pots and geysers, saw Old Faithful, although it was so cold, all we saw was steam not the water coming out of the geyser. Then on our way back we saw a bunch of people stopped on the road, so we stopped to see what it was. It was a mom and baby elk eating grass along the river. The kids thought it was so cool to be that close to the elk.
Alex started 1st grade this year. It was a bit of an adjustment and she had a little bit of a hard time the first few weeks. But now she is doing great and loving school.
For Halloween Alex was a butterfly fairy and Logan was a frog. We went to a party with our playgroup and then went trunk or treating at the local park.
For the most part the last few months have been good, and of course with the good, there is always the bad. For us the bad came last weekend. We had to go over to Oregon to get the boat and some last things we left at the house. Our dog was acting like she had a tummy ache, but it's nothing new with dogs. So we left her with family and went to Oregon. We get to our house and someone had been fooling with our hot tub, the cover was halfway on and upside down. Then someone had cut the screen to one of the windows in our shop in an attempt to get in I'm sure. They must have decided it was too hard or got interrupted. Then on Saturday we get a call and it's the vet in Idaho, Bailey hadn't eaten, and by this time it was the 4th day of not eating, so Ty's dad thought she should be looked at. They opened her up and she had a uterine infection and her intestines were all bunched up. The vet was going to have to take out some of her insides and we decided that even if she did survive the surgery, there could be more complications from losing that much intestine and we had her put down. While we are glad she is no longer in pain, we all really miss her. It's hard when you lose a sweet dog that is only two years old. We wish we could have been there with her to say goodbye, but she will always be in our hearts.