This past Sunday was Logan's 3rd birthday. It's hard to believe that 3 years ago I had a newborn and was living in New Mexico. That seems like a lifetime ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember being amazed at how small he was and how much he looked like Tyson. He's still a little guy, but is full of life and wit.
We started out the day by letting Logan pick out a box of cereal for breakfast and he chose Cookie Crisp. We then got all packed up and went fishing to a small lake about an hour from our house. It was stocked with trout and had nice beaches to sit on so it was great for fishing with kids. For a long time we didn't catch anything, then someone told us what he was using and we switched and we started catching fish. It also started to get cloudy and rain and that helped bring the fish into the shallower water too. We let the kids help us reel in the fish and they were excited every time the poles started wiggling. All together we caught six fish. Alex didn't want to hold on to the stringer because the fish were still wiggling, but we got her too.
The kids and I had just made cupcakes a couple of weeks before Logan's birthday, so I wanted to do something different for his birthday "cake." I decided to make him a big birthday cookie instead. He loved it!! Logan got a Geo Trax train from us, KNEX from his aunt and uncle and some balls from one of his Grandmas. He loved the train and played with it all night.